I have always maintained that I am more spiritual than religious. As I grew up, I came to realise that spirituality is not just knowing what is right and what is wrong, or what ought to be done and what is not to be done. It had a much deeper meaning. I took a plunge into its depths for the first time when I read this incredible book, "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" by Robin Sharma. I remember being overawed not just by the whole plot but the numerous teachings and wisdom embedded intricately into the plot.
I realised what it means to be truly at one with myself. I felt connected with my inner self and through that I was connecting to every single soul around me. A lot of ancient wisdom is involved in truly understanding the journey of a soul and I pray that in my life I get opportunities to get acquainted with them and when I do I have enough light in me to understand them, cause now I am ready to be a student..
As someone said," The depth of learning is in direct relation to the intensity of the experience" , I am looking forward to the wonderful experience.

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